Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Blow Up Projection Screen

Step by Step II. The massification of the Blogs

After establishment of the blog began as a publication with its own characteristics, they began to become popular tools to facilitate the creation of these web logs. Blogger
, WordPress, and TypePad Are among the most popular, but there are hundreds of these tools, just as there are sites that provide their own tool cosntrucción posts. Creating blogs
only takes a few minutes and maintenance is much easier than traditional web pages. The availability of pre-designed templates or models is extensive, and there is great flexibility to customize the final look of the blog.
The result of these facilities for the creation and maintenance of blogs is exponential growth of these publications. According to the latest annual survey of Technorati, the search engine and cataloging of most popular blogs in October 2006 this website had 57 million blogs registered a growth of 217% over 2005 and 1,300% over 2004.
So do not be ruled out that there are currently over 100 million blogs worldwide.


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