Friday, August 6, 2010

Symptoms Of A Poorly Functioning Gallbladder



-A fresh monkfish.


-white-wine fish stock


We ask the fishmonger to remove him head and skin. At home I have done is to remove only the central scratch (no more snow cones) and the scraping is saved for make the fish stock, is, that is boiled with some salt in water.
While it removes a pielecilla you have.
Chop an onion and 4 cloves of garlic and put into the pan with a little oil. room and flour are the fish and also put in the pan, over medium heat.

added the broth is boiling the big scrape and half a glass of white wine and when it boils put the clams.
chopped parsley is added and no longer rocking the pan carefully so that links sauce.
In the glass of wine I have taken stock of the pan.
In a skillet tiny Tuesta flour and add two tablespoons per cup. He moves well and once we see that no lumps are put in large pan and move around (be careful that the fish is tender).
Once the sauce thickened just have to serve.


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