Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fisher Price Step Lock Gate

The best tribute is the fight

" In this period of building socialism we can see the new man being born. His image is not finished yet, not could ever be and that the process is parallel to the development of new economic forms. Aside from those whose lack of education makes them take the solitary road toward satisfying their own ambitions, is that even within this new landscape joint motion, tend to walk isolated from the masses accompanying them. The important thing is that men are becoming increasingly conscious of the need for their inclusion in society and at the same time, their importance as engines of the same. "

" They no longer travel completely alone over sidewalks stray toward distant aspirations. They follow their vanguard, consisting of the Party, by the advanced workers, advanced by men who walk with the masses and in close communion with them. The vanguard has its eyes on the future and its reward, but it is not envisaged as something individual and the prize is the new society where men have characteristics distinct society of communist man. "

" The road is long and fraught with difficulties. Sometimes we lose our way and must turn back, others go too fast and separate ourselves from the masses, sometimes we go too slow, feel the breath of those treading at our heels. In our zeal as revolutionaries we try to move as quickly as possible, clearing roads, but we know we must be nourished by the mass and that it can advance more rapidly only if we inspire by example. "

" The Party is a vanguard organization. The best workers are nominated by their peers to integrate. It is a minority but of great authority for the quality of his paintings. Our aspiration is to become a mass Party, but when the masses have reached the level of the vanguard, that is, when they are educated for communism. And that education is aimed at work. The party is the living example; its cadres must teach hard work and sacrifice, must bear its share to the masses to the revolutionary task, which involves years of hard struggle against the difficulties of construction, class enemies, the scourges of the past, imperialism ... "

" Let me tell you, at risk of seeming ridiculous, that the true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality. Perhaps one of the great dramas of the leader that he must combine a passionate spirit with a cold intelligence and make painful decisions without flinching. Our vanguard revolutionaries must idealize this love of the people, the most sacred causes, and make it one and indivisible. They can not descend, with small doses of daily affection to the places where ordinary men exercising. "

" Let me draw some conclusions:
We socialists are freer because we are more complete, more complete because we are freer.
The skeleton of our complete freedom is already formed, lacks the protein substance and clothing, we will create.
Our freedom and its daily sustenance are color are swollen with blood and sacrifice.
Our sacrifice is conscious: an installment payment on the freedom to build.
The road is long and in part unknown, we know our limitations. We twenty-first century man: ourselves.
We will forge ourselves in daily action, creating a new man with a new technique.
Clearing the way is the vanguard group, the best among the good, the Party.
The basic clay of our work is the youth, we place our hope in it and prepare it to take from our hands the flag.
If this inarticulate letter clarifies anything, it has accomplished the objective that motivated it. "

Excerpt from" The Socialism and Man in Cuba "

[text addressed to Carlos Quijano, weekly, Marcha, Montevideo, March 12, 1965.]

And some of us like to say the commander

or utopian, or ideal


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