Tuesday, October 16, 2007

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The story

was a town full of needs, which only had one hundred inhabitants. And the day came when they needed to elect a mayor. There were candidates A and B. All the people went to vote, as they both wanted. He won with 60 votes to 40 that took B. Ie that A won with 60% of the vote. When he gave his inaugural address, was there most of the people.
Four years passed. A much richer than B, but the people were full of needs. Elections came again, and again it was all the people to vote. A and B were very happy. This time A B got 40 votes and 60, so he won with 60% of the vote. And also could give his inaugural address most of the people.
took another four years. B is added to this time, much more than A, but the people were full of needs. Then came the day of elections and, again, were all to vote. A and B are licking of happiness! Pero esta vez, la mitad de los vecinos puso el sobre vacío en la urna. Al contar los votos A sacó 30 y B sacó 20. A se proclamó ganador con el 60% de los votos, dado que sólo se contaban los sobres llenos. Cuando dio su discurso inaugural, había menos de 30 personas oyéndolo. A y B supieron entonces que les sería muy difícil engañar nuevamente a ese pueblo, y por primera vez... tuvieron miedo.

Jorge Paladino


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